Create Positive Change

Be Humble

Commit To Excellence

Adapt & Connect

Embrace Experimentation

Be Curious

Maintain a Growth Mindset

EJW Leadership Coaching & Consulting works with individuals, teams, and organizations to accelerate growth, shift perspectives, and effect positive change.

We believe that success in business depends on
leaders’ abilities to adapt and connect.

We believe that leaders and teams who practice humility, curiosity,
and a growth mindset are able to navigate both victories
and challenges with equal grace.

We believe that the most effective leaders and organizations are those who
iterate, experiment, and commit to excellence.

We are ready to work with you:


You are a leader or executive who is looking to go the distance.

You want to take your team from working as a disparate group to working in harmony.

You recognize that your organization could use a cultural renaissance.

Our Approach:


We support you on your transformational journey by offering insights, noticing growth areas, championing your strengths, and propelling you towards your unique version of success.


We help you move from your current reality to your defined ideal state, providing knowledge and expertise to elucidate the path.


We enable you and your team to consider new perspectives, engage in productive dialogue, and find energy in your work routines.


We focus on your observations and vision, and create a tailored action plan to take your organization to new heights.